70 Years of Experience - Since 1950
Professional Tango Master, Dancer, Choreographer, Performer
Teacher of Teachers, Competition’s Trainer, who has toured the world eight times
President Founder of El Mundo Del Tango
Founder of El Mundo Del Tango Academy
President Founder of ATMA (Argentine Tango Masters Association,1980)
President / CEO of Tango Del Rey Foundation
President / CEO of Cabaret Preservation Society (501 C3)
President Founder of ISCE (Institute of Social & Cultural Education)
Author of “El Tango Argentino” Syllabi - 12 volumes
Examiner of ATMA and CDTA
Responsible for the development of Tango Dance in Southern California since 1993
International Professional Champion in 10 dances (1977) - Standard & Latin
Fellow BA / LA, ISTD, London - Dual Member IDTA, England
Fellow BA / LA, CDTA, Canada - Member of ICBD
World Class Judge / Scrutineer of OBBD ( British Dance Council , UK)
Life Member of ISTD ( Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, England )
Life Member of NDCA ( National Dance Council of America)
Life Member of ATMA (Argentine Tango Masters Association)
Honored by a resolution passed in the California Legislative Assemble recognizing his service to the people of the state of California.
" Not just a Tango Dancer "
Being my Lifetime Mentor since1960, Juan Carlos Copes was an amazing human being, an incomparable Teacher and an incredible Mentor. Brighter with his wisdom, undoubtedly generous, He was, He still is, and always will be supremely "The Tanguero.”
My Mentor is GONE. Like he used to say: Ive, let’s Dance El Tango Rioplatense! Death can take away a person but never his Presence...IS
Juan Carlos Copes