Illustrations kindly borrowed from the insightful book "Tango. An anxious quest for freedom." Geniusly written by Gloria and Rodolfo Dinzel. We recommend highly that you get a copy, which you can find easily at Get your copy today!
Table of Contents: Illustration Number and Title ( # )
1: Dissociation Zone
2: Articulatory Flexion (Incorrect)
3: Articulatory Blocking (Incorrect)
4: Articulatory Tension (Correct)
5: Flexion - Blocking - Tension
6: Equilibrium Axis - Individual
7: Pelvis Position
8: Individual Compound Relation
9: Couple Compound Relation
10: Inertia
11: Apparatus and Zones
12: Equilibrium Couple
13: Footing Surface
14: Limit and Ideal Situation
15: Dance Compass
16: Space Handling
17: Chin and Parietals Line
18: Semicircular Arch
19: Horizontal Circuit
20: Cylinder Center
21: Share and Invasion
22: Man's Shoulder Line
23: Mirrored Figures
24: Articulated Figures
25: Incorrect Space Handling
26: Vertical Circuit
27: Flotation Lines and Planes
28: Flotation Height
29: Third Volume
30: Front of Couple
31: Profile of Couple
32: Contention Cylinder
33: Embrace Triangles - Internal
34: Embrace Triangles - External
35: Embrace Triangles - Bird Eye View
36: Embrace Triangles - Man's Back
37: Embrace Triangles - Woman's Back
38: Dance Cone
39: Multiple Dance Cones
40: Dancing Couple Spaces