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• Galopada (Gallop) - A variation of Molinillo in Gold Vals.
• Gancho (Hook) - Occurs when a dancer hooks a leg sharply around and in contact with their partners leg by flexing the knee and releasing. May be performed to the inside or outside of either leg and by either partner. See Adorno, Amague, Caricias, Carpa, Castigada, Chiche, Conclusion, Contrapaso, Cuartas, Cuatro, Cucharita, Dibujo, Elevacion, Entrada, Fanfarron, Firulete, Frappé, Friccion, Gancho, Golpes, Latigo, Patada, Pausa, Picados, Punteo, Resolution, Ronde, Sacada, Salida, Saltito, Sandwiche, Sanguchito, Stork, Toque and Truco.
• Gancho Abierto (Open Hook) Done in crossed system - A variation of Paradas y Despedidas done with the Resolución Izquierda in Bronze Tango.
• Gancho Trabado (Lock Hook) - A variation of Gancho y Herrero Gold Tango.
Gancho y Herrero (Hook & Blacksmith) - Key Pattern 3 in Gold Tango.
• Gancho Cerrado - Done in parallel system.
• Gancho y Saludo (Hook and Greeting) - A variation of Paradas y Despedidas done with the Atravesdo in Bronze Tango.
• Garfio (Hook) - A variation of Contra Vuelta in Silver Pecho.
• Garrapattas (Ticks) - A variation of Giro Voleando in Gold Tango.
• Garrucha (Pulley) - In Gold tango part of Palisada in Gold Tango.
• Gateo (Crawl) - Form of a Pause in Bronze Tango.
• Girandula (Girandole, Branch Support for Candles) - A variation of Contra Giro Básico in Bronze Vals.
• Giro (Rotation/Turn) - A turning step or figure. Notice a Giro is a turning step around an axis, while the Vuelta or a turning step does not have an axis (one person replaces the other). See Caminada, Caminar, Contra Body Movement, Contra Body Movement Position, Corridata, Cross System, Elevadas,Entregarme, Junta, Lento, Liso, Marcar, Mira, Otra Vez, Parallel System, Paso, Pisar, Puente, Seguirv and Suave.
• Giro Acuno (Cupped Rotation) - A variation of Contra Giro Básico in Gold Pecho.
• Giro Básico (Basic Rotation) - Key Pattern 8 in Bronze Tango and Bronze Milonga and Bronze Vals and Key Pattern 7 in Bronze Pecho. See Molinete.
• Giro Cambiando (Changing Rotation) - A variation of Cambio de Rumbo in Gold Vals.
• Giro Caminando (Walking Rotation) - Key Pattern 5 in Silver Tango.
• Giro Compuesto (Compound Rotations) - A variation of Giro Básico in Bronze Tango and Giro Marchando in Silver Tango and Giro Básico in Bronze Vals.
• Giro Corriendo (Running Rotation) - Key Pattern 7 in Gold Milonga.
• Giro Cruzados (Cross Rotations) - A variation of Giro Caminando in Silver Tango and Giro Corriendo in Gold Milonga.
• Giro en Redondo (Turnaround) - A variation of Giro Básico in Gold Pecho.
• Giro Frenando (Breaking Rotation) - A variation of Giro Valseando in Silver Vals.
• Giro Inverso (Reverse Rotation) - Key Pattern 6 in Gold Vals.
Giro Marchando (Marching Rotation) - Key Pattern 6 in Silver Milonga.
• Giro Mordido (Bitten Rotation) - A variation of Giro Básico in Bronze Vals.
• Giro Parado (Standing Rotation) - A variation of Contra Trabada in Silver Vals.
• Giro Quebrado (Broken Rotation) - A variation of Giro Básico in Bronze Tango and Gold Pecho.
• Giro Remando (Paddling Rotation) - A variation of Giro Valseando in Silver Vals.
• Giro Voleando (Volleying Rotation) - Key Pattern 5 in Gold Tango.
• Giro Valseando (Waltzing Rotation) - Key Pattern 4 in Silver Vals.The full turning Molinete to the right, which includes 7 steps for man and 9 steps for woman as the man enters and exits the Cross System.
• Golpecito (Tap) - A variation of Acunado in Silver Milonga. Rhythmic tapping done with a flat foot on the ball or underside of the toe as an adorno. See Fanfarron and Zapatazo.
• Golpes (Toe taps) - With a tilted foot tap the floor with the toe and allow the lower leg to rebound keeping the knees together. See Adorno, Amague, Caricias, Carpa, Castigada, Chiche, Conclusion, Contrapaso, Cuartas, Cuatro, Cucharita, Dibujo, Elevacion, Entrada, Fanfarron, Firulete, Frappé, Friccion, Gancho, Golpes, Latigo, Patada, Pausa, Picados, Punteo, Resolution, Ronde, Sacada, Salida, Saltito, Sandwiche, Sanguchito, Stork, Toque and Truco.
• Grelas - A Lunfardo term for woman. See Tanguero, Lunfardo, Milonguera, Milonguita, Bailarín, Aficionado, Compadre, Vareador, Compadrito, Guapo, Portranca, Mina, Paicas, Pebeta, and Planchadoras.
• Guapo (Handsome) - A respectable and desirable man. A Compadre. See Tanguero, Lunfardo, Milonguera, Milonguita, Bailarín, Aficionado, Compadre, Vareador, Compadrito, Grelas, Portranca, Mina, Paicas, Pebeta, and Planchadoras.
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