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• Rabona (Soccer Fake) - A variation of Giro Corriendo in Gold Milonga. A walking step with a syncopated cross. Done forward or backward the dancer steps on a beat, quickly closes the other foot in Cruzada, and steps again on the next beat. Adapted from soccer. See Contrapaso and Traspié.

• Ranuras (Grooves) - A variation of Piernazos in Gold Tango.

• Rebanadas (Slicings) - A variation of Recortes in Gold Tango.

• Rebenque (Whisk) - A variation of Sacada Inversa with Contra Zancada in Gold Tango.

• Rebote (Rebound) - A variation of Balanceo in Bronze Vals, Also appears on Tango and Milonga.

• Rebote Por Detrás (Bounce Back) - A variation of Rebotes in Silver Pecho.

• Rebotes (Rebounds) - Key Pattern 2 in Bronze Pecho.

• Rebufo (Recoil) - A variation of Construccion Básica in Bronze Tango.

• Recaídas (Setback) - A variation of Orcho Cortado in Gold Pecho.

• Recortes (Trimmings) - Key Pattern 7 in Gold Tango.

• Redoblando (Redoubling) - A variation of Giro Valseando in Silver Vals.

• Refiloneo (Slanting Marches) - A variation of marches in Bronze Milonga.

• Regresada (Returned) - A variation of Vuelta in Gold Pecho.

• Repisadas (Ledges) - Key Pattern 1 in Gold Milonga.

• Reptadida (Creeping) - A variation of Contrapunto in Gold Milonga.

• Resolution (and Resolve) - Argentine Tango figures generally have a start (Salida), the figure, and then the end (Resolution). The resolution includes the “Conclusion”, which is the last step as the feet come together. To “resolve” is just the verb accociated with performing the end steps. Notice the confusion with Salida, which means “exit”. It’s really the entrance steps to the figure. See Salida. See Adorno, Amague, Caricias, Carpa, Castigada, Chiche, Conclusion, Contrapaso, Cuartas, Cuatro, Cucharita, Dibujo, Elevacion, Entrada, Fanfarron, Firulete, Frappé, Friccion, Gancho, Golpes, Latigo, Patada, Pausa, Picados, Punteo, Resolution, Ronde, Sacada, Salida, Saltito, Sandwiche, Sanguchito, Stork, Toque and Truco.

• Resolución Izquierda and Derecha (Resoluion, Left and Right) - A variation of Paradas y Despedidas in Bronze Tango.

• Retirada (Withdraw) - A variation of Básica Cruzado in Silver Vals.This crossing step at the end of the back triangle was used to gain momentum and also switch from one system to next.

• Retratros: Portraits

• Retroceder (Back Away) - A variation of Vuelta Abierta in Silver Vals.

• Retroceder (Back Away)
• Retroceso (Right Start) - A variation in Construccion Básica in Bronze Tango and Bronze Milonga and Bronze Vals. This is the back start turning right.

• Retrocruzamiento (Backcrossing) - A variation of Cambio de Frente Antihorario in Gold Milonga.

• Reversada (Reveresed) - A variation of Contra Vuelta in Gold Pecho.

• Revolución (Revolving) - A variation of Básica Cruzado in Silver Milonga.

• Revuelto (Scrambled) - A variation of Giro Marchando in Silver Tango.

• Ritmo (Rhythm) Music Term - Refers to the more complex rhythmic structure of the music which includes the beat or Compás as well as the more defining elements of the song. See Beat, Compás, Improvisational, Lead, Legato, Musicality, Ostinato, Phrase, Ritmo, Rubato, Staccato and Syncopation.

• Rodea/Cucuche (Encircle/Astride) - A variation of Trampas in Silver Milonga.

• Rodillas (Knees) - See Brazos, Cintura, Cuerpo, Dedo, Espalda, Pecho, Pie, and Pierna.

• Romolino (Whirlpool) - A variation of Contra Destorcimiento in Silver Tango.

• Ronda (La Ronda) - Line of dance: Refers to the etiquette of dancing in the line of dance by moving counter clockwise around the dance floor, and using concentric lanes in the traffic to facilitate dancing in close proximity with one another. See Milonga, Confitería Bailable, Bailongo, Bailar, Práctica, Orquesta, Piso, Pista, Bandoneón, Parejas, Abrazo, Pinta, Postura, Bien Parado, Códigos, Cortina, Bailamos, Tanda, and Cabeceó.

• Ronde (Round) – Man and Woman. A unilateral leg action in which the gesture leg is circled from front to back of the dancer's body, or vice versa.The man can also accompany the woman so both ronde. See Adorno, Amague, Caricias, Carpa, Castigada, Chiche, Conclusion, Contrapaso, Cuartas, Cuatro, Cucharita, Dibujo, Elevacion, Entrada, Fanfarron, Firulete, Frappé, Friccion, Gancho, Golpes, Latigo, Patada, Pausa, Picados, Punteo, Resolution, Ronde, Sacada, Salida, Saltito, Sandwiche, Sanguchito, Stork, Toque and Truco.

• Rotación Axial (Axial Rotation) - A variation of Mordida in Gold Pecho.

• Rotonda (Roundabout) - A variation of Giro Corriendo in Gold Milonga.

• Rubato (Italian: In Robbed Time) - A music and dance term. Tempo rubato means literally in robbed time, i.e., duration taken from one measure or beat and given to another, but in modern practice the term is quite generally applied to any irregularity of rhythm or tempo not definitely indicated in the score. Singers use rubato and choose not to sing on the beat to provide emotional expressiveness. In dance, the lead will often hold a move longer than the underlying rhythm to complete a figure and also provide emotional expressiveness. This is a form of musicality. The terms ad libitum, (ad lib.), a piacere, and a capriccio, also indicate a modification of the tempo at the will of the performer. Ad libitum means at liberty; a piacere, at pleasure; and a capriccio, at the caprice (of the performer). See Beat, Compás, Improvisational, Legato, Musicality, Ostinato, Phrase, Ritmo, Staccato and Syncopation.

• Rueda (Wheel) - A variation of Vueltecita in Silver Milonga.

• Rulos (Curls) - Key Pattern 7 in Silver Vals. Man uses his foot, led by the heel, in a crossed step (during a giro) then unwinds. Notice the man follows the woman step in his initial cross, then follows the woman’s step again as he unwinds. Also, used frequently at the end of Molinete when the man, executing a Lápiz or Firulete ahead of the woman, curls his foot in around the woman and extends it quickly to touch her foot. An older term for Lápiz.

• Ruptura Cubano (Cuban Break) - A variation of Contrapunto in Gold Milonga.

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