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• Taconeo (Heel Lead) - A variation of Subibaja in Gold Milonga.
• Tanda - A set of dance music, usually three to five songs, of the same dance in similar style, if not by the same orquesta. The tandas are separated by a brief interlude of non-tango music called a "Cortina" (or curtain) during which couples select each other. It is customary to dance the entire tanda with the same partner unless the man is rude or very disappointing as a dance partner, in which case the woman may say gracias (thank you) and leave. See Milonga, Confitería Bailable, Bailongo, Bailar, Ronda, Práctica, Orquesta, Piso, Pista, Bandoneón, Parejas, Abrazo, Pinta, Postura, Bien Parado, Códigos, Cortina, Bailamos,and Cabeceó.
• Tango - Popular music from the Rio de la Plata region dating back to 1885-95, defined by a 2/4 rhythm until the 1920s when a 4/8 rhythm became common. A popular dance originating in the mid-19th century which descended from Candombe, Habanera, Milonga, and, according to some tango scholars, the Tango Andaluz. The exact origins of Tango are a historical mystery. See Susan August Brown's Argentine Tango: A Brief History, and Stephen Brown's Styles of Argentine Tango.
• Tango - Tango Argentino - An elegant and very social style of tango characterized by slow, measured, and smoothly executed moves. It includes all of the basic tango steps and figures plus sacadas, giros and boleos. The emphasis is on precision, smoothness, and elegant dance lines. The dancing couple do not embrace as closely as in older styles and the embrace is flexible, opening slightly to make room for various figures and closing again for support and poise. Subset Styles include Salon, Orillero, and Fantasia.
• Tango - Milonga Style - A faster paced tango dance to music generally written in 2/4 time and generally above 100 beats per minute. Subset Styles include Salon, Orillero, and Fantasia.
• Tango - Vals Cruzada Style - Argentine Waltz: Sometimes referred to as Vals Criollo, or Vals Cruzada, and danced music with ¾ timing at approximately 180 beats per minute (same as Viennese Waltz music). Subset Styles include Salon, Orillero, and Fantasia.
• Tango - Pecho (or Milonguero or Apilado) Style - A term originally given by Europeans and some North Americans to the style of dancing in a very close embrace; also referred to as Confitería style, club style, Apilado style (Apilado Style, which means “piled on”, referenced the way a jockey is "piled on" his horse, when racing—hugging the neck.), etc. Usually used in the very crowded clubs frequented by singles in the center of Buenos Aires. Milonguero Style is danced in a very close embrace with full upper body contact, the partners leaning into each other (but never hanging on each other) while using simple walking and turning steps. This style relies on music of the more rhythmic type as characterized by Orquesta like those of D’Arienzo or Tanturi.
• Tango - Salon Style - The embrace is typically offset with the man slightly to the left of the woman and in a V. The dance is done towards the opening of the V (the man's left). This is known as "dancing to the Tango entity", defined as what the couple becomes when dancing as one unit. The embrace loosens or tightens, depending on the need of the pattern which is known as the "Bandoneon effect". This style of dance leads to great improvisation and interpretation of the music as the couple is free to open and close and perform elegant and interesting movements. Having some space on the floor and control of the posture is a requirement of this style as maintaining the embrace and the structure while performing intricate movements generally requires skill and practice.
• Tango - Orillero Style - The style of dance which is danced in the suburbs, characterized by the man doing many quick syncopated foot moves and even jumps.
• Tango - Fantasia or Show Style - This is a hybrid tango, an amalgam of traditional tango steps, ballet, ballroom, gymnastics, ice-skating figures, etc. This is what most people see when they buy tickets for a tango show. The moves include all of the basic tango moves plus, ganchos, sacadas, boleos of every kind, sentadas, kicks, leaps, spins, lifts, and anything else that the choreographer and the performers think that they can get away with. Alas, this style of dancing shows up from time to time at the milongas, usually badly performed by ill-behaved tango dancers and frustrated tango performers who insist on getting their money’s worth even if they have to kick, step on, bump into, or trip every other dancer on the floor. This behavior is NOT socially acceptable.
• Tango - Neo-Tango Style - A new form of the genre, with evolved music, embraces and moves. It consists of Tango Fusion (collaboration between contemporary tango and other music such as electronica) and Alternative Tango (non-tango music danced to Argentine tango steps).
• Tango - Nuevo Style (New Tango) - 1. A style of music, invented by Astor Piazzolla around 1955, that combines the sound of traditional tango with jazz. 2. A term coined around the mid 1990s to describe a style of tango dancing infused with new combinations of steps, embraces, combinations, changes of directions, use of the loose embrace, and the exploration of the space between the legs and around the body of the partner.
• Tango - Al Reves Style (In Reverse) - Reverse embrace where both partners face the same direction; it is now used only occasionally to perform tango figures (see doble frente).
• Tanguero (feminine; Tanguera) - Refers to anyone who is deeply and seriously passionate about any part of tango, such as its history, music, lyrics, etc. In Argentina most tangueros are scholars of lunfardo, music, orchestrations, Gardel, etc. One can be a tanguero without being a milonguero and a milonguerowithout being a tanguero (very few milongueros would be referred to as tangueros). And of course, one can be an extremely good tango dancer without being either, such as stage dancers, who are quite disdained by real milongueros and tangueros, unless they go the extra distance and become milongueros by going to the milongas, and/or tangueros as well. An Aficionado. See Lunfardo, Milonguera, Milonguita, Bailarín, Aficionado, Compadre, Vareador, Compadrito, Grelas, Guapo, Portranca, Mina, Paicas, Pebeta, and Planchadoras.
• Teja (Weaving) - A variation of Cambio de Rumbo in Gold Vals.
• Tele Marca, ¼ Compas (Telemark, ¼ Beat) - A variation of Contra Vuelta in Gold Pecho. Lady will use the Heel turn technique.
• Tentáculos (Tentacles) - A variation of Enganche in Gold Tango.
• Tijera (Scissors) - A variation of Cuatro Rodillas in Silver Milonga. A movement, usually danced by the man, in which an extended leg is withdrawn and crossed in front of the supporting leg without weight so that it remains free for the next step or movement. May also refer to a figure in which the man steps forward in outside position (left or right) caressing the outside of the woman’s leg with his leg (as in 3 of the 8-count basic), then crosses behind himself which pushes the woman’s leg to cross in front. May also refer to a jumping step from tango fantasia (stage tango) where the woman swings her legs up and over with the second leg going up as the first leg is coming down (frequently seen as an aerial entry to Sentadas).
• Tiovivo (Merry-Go-Round) - A variation of Giro Caminando in Silver Tango.
• Tirabuzón (Corkscrew) - A variation of Mordida in Silver Pecho.
• Tiradita (Toss Up) - A variation of Contra Giro Marchando in Silver Milonga.
• Titubeo (Stuttering) - A variation of Triates in Gold Vals. Hesitation. See Pausa.
• Tocada (Touched) - A variation of Vuelta in Gold Pecho. Right turn followed by a corte on back right foot as woman performs a pass over man’s left foot, then into parallel position with back step of left leg, and repeat as necessary.
• Toma (Taking) - A variation of Contra Arrastre in Silver Tango. Also called Tomada.
• Toque (Touch) - Short touch of the man's instep by the woman's foot. See also golpecitos. See Adorno, Amague, Caricias, Carpa, Castigada, Chiche, Conclusion, Contrapaso, Cuartas, Cuatro, Cucharita, Dibujo, Elevacion, Entrada, Fanfarron, Firulete, Frappé, Friccion, Gancho, Golpes, Latigo, Patada, Pausa, Picados, Punteo, Resolution, Ronde, Sacada, Salida, Saltito, Sandwiche, Sanguchito, Stork, Toque and Truco.
• Torcimiento (Twist Start) - A variation of Básica Cruzado in Silver Tango and Básico Académico in Silver Pecho.
• Tornillo (Screw) - A variation of Molinillo in Gold Vals.
• Trabada (Lock) - Variation of Construcción Básica in Bronze Tango. Another term for cruzada.
• Trabada Amplia (Large Lock) - Variation of Construcción Básica with Retroceso in Bronze Tango.
• Tracción (Traction) - Form of a in Gold Pecho Argentino.
• Trampas (Traps) - Key Pattern 10 in Silver Milonga.
• Tranquera (Striding) - A variation of Caminando Para Atrás in Gold Tango.
• Traspaso (Trepasser) - A variation of Caminata Cruzada in Silver Tango.
• Traspié (Stumble, Also Cross Foot) - Key Pattern 1 in Silver Milonga.Taught with Milonga on A walking step with a syncopated cross. Using two beats of music the dancer does step-cross-step beginning with either foot and moving in any direction. Hence, the man takes three steps to two beats of music and crosses systems. Can also refer to a more general concept of synchopating steps, often in triples.
• Traspié Adelante (Stumbling Forward) - A variation of Cuatro Rodillas in Silver Milonga.
• Traspié Atrás (Stumbling Backward) - A variation of Cuatro Rodillas in Silver Milonga.
• Traspié Cruzado (Crossed Misstep) - A variation of Repisadas in Gold Milonga.
• Trencitas (Braids) - A variation of Triates in Gold Vals.
• Trenzada (Braided) - A variation of Básica Cruzado in Silver Vals.
• Tres Esquinas (Three Squares) - A variation of Rebotes in Silver Pecho.
• Triates (Triplets) - Key Pattern 3 in Gold Vals.
• Triple (Triple) - Key Pattern 1 in Gold Vals.
• Trompo (Spin) - A variation of Básico Académico in Gold Pecho.
• Tropezón (Stumble) - A variation of Vuelta in Silver Pecho. From right sacada, the woman is led into a back ocho in the cross system (man’s right), and the man changes into parallel system on the woman’s left ocho and the cross system on the womans right ocho. Repeat. Exit with a fallaway into a running back for the woman and the man takes small steps keeping outside of the woman (her right) in the parallel, and exits with a standard cross basic.
• Trota (Trotting) - A variation of Molinillo in Gold Vals.
• Truco - Literally, trick or stunt: May be used to describe fancy athletic movements in addition to lifts for stage or tango fantasia. See Adorno, Amague, Caricias, Carpa, Castigada, Chiche, Conclusion, Contrapaso, Cuartas, Cuatro, Cucharita, Dibujo, Elevacion, Entrada, Fanfarron, Firulete, Frappé, Friccion, Gancho, Golpes, Latigo, Patada, Pausa, Picados, Punteo, Resolution, Ronde, Sacada, Salida, Saltito, Sandwiche, Sanguchito, Stork, Toque and Truco.
• Turno Frenando (Breaking Turn) - A variation of Media Vuelta in Silver Pecho.
• Twinkle – Dance term. Back and forth movement, or left and right movement. See Centelleo.
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